
Oral Sex Was Nerve-racking to Ask For – How I Learned to Speak Up

Oral sex was always something hard for me to ask for. Having sex is a two (or more) person job, and everyone deserves pleasure. ‘Would you go down on me next time?’ I vividly remember the first time I asked a partner this question. Having never given or received oral sex before, and too afraid to say the words directly to his face, I took my shot while he was in the bathroom. The guy I was dating – who was older and more experienced than me – peeked his head out of the room, looking a bit awkward, and I held my breath, playing through all kinds of scenarios in my head. But his answer was still unexpected: ‘I would love to but I’m not really into hair down there’. Already feeling insecure about my body – I was quite young at the time – I was mortified. I’d never discussed pubic hair with my friends and it wasn’t a topic they talked about in sexual health classes [...]

By |2023-05-20T04:02:57+00:00May 20th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

French Kissing Like an Absolute Pro ????

French kissing sounds super spicy, but to be honest, it can be confusing to know the difference between this and other kinds of kisses. Locking lips is an art, and just like any other intimate act, it takes a bit of practice to perfect (and that’s okay!). French kissing is a little trickier than a peck on the lips and involves tongue. It might sound intimidating, but with these tried-and-true make-out tips, you and your boo will be pros at the French kiss in no time. Keep in mind that there’s no right way to kiss — it’s all about what feels good for you and your partner. And chances are, your crush is just as nervous as you are. Still, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared (and know how to keep the slobber to a manageable level), so here’s everything you need to know about French kissing: what it means, why it’s called that, and, of course, how to [...]

By |2023-05-19T07:08:06+00:00May 19th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Lionel Richie Says He Won’t Get Plastic Surgery

Lionel Richie, 73, insists he will NEVER get plastic surgery because 'that s*** always goes wrong' - revealing secrets behind his youthful looks are water, sleep... And SEX The coronation crooner spoke to DailyMail.Com about his anti-aging routine He claimed he will never go under the knife because he prefers a natural look Lionel, who is in a long-term relationship with Lisa Parigi, shared how he maintains his appearance by avoiding too much red meat and having sex. By Joanna Bell For Dailymail.Com Published: 17:16 EDT, 9 May 2023 | Updated: 16:33 EDT, 10 May 2023 Lionel Richie's coronation performance stirred up quite the controversy after he was blasted as 'disappointing' by viewers of King Charles' celebratory concert on Sunday - but now the famed crooner is set to spark serious debate for a very different reason entirely: his stance on anti-aging techniques. The 73-year-old singer has managed to maintain the same youthful appearance for many years now - but [...]

By |2023-05-18T02:59:04+00:00May 18th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Topless Dancers in North Hollywood to Become the Only Unionized Strippers

Topless dancers at North Hollywood's Star Garden Strip Dive Bar are about to become the only unionized strippers in the United States, the first group to do so since the late 1990s. "If you have been following our journey, then you know this has been a long, exhausting fight for topless dancers, which is why this victory is so sweet," said Reagan, one of the Star Garden dancers. "We put everything we have into this campaign, and we were fortunate to have the support and solidarity from the club's patrons, our allies and friends, the labor movement and our union, Actors' Equity Association." Supporters join topless dancers for a rally outside the Star Garden Topless Dive Bar on August 19, 2022, in North Hollywood, California. - A petition was recently filed by the bar's strippers for a union recognition election with the National Labour Relations Board and if the dancers win their election with results certified by the NLRB, they [...]

By |2023-05-17T03:50:26+00:00May 17th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Penis Shaped Iceberg Off the Coast of Canada

Penis shaped iceberg found off the coast of Canada. A photographer found a curious iceberg floating off the coast of Newfoundland in Canada, shaped almost exactly like a certain male reproductive organ. Photographer Ken Pretty posted a picture of the penis shaped iceberg on his Facebook account on Friday, saying that he guessed that he would "get a few comments on this one." Sure enough, his comments were flooded with people cracking jokes about the structure. The post has amassed 2,000 likes and over 600 comments as of press time. "Took a piece off the Dicky Berg, stiffest drink I ever had," one Facebook user commented, along with a photo edited to look like said iceberg was floating in a glass of alcohol. "I thought cold water made them shrink," said another. Pretty told Insider that he used a drone to get a clearer image of the iceberg, which he estimates to be between 30 to 50 feet tall. He [...]

By |2023-05-16T13:06:15+00:00May 16th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Rubber Vagina Market Report: Analyzing Growth and Market Size

Rubber Vagina Market is focused on controlling cost and improving efficiency. The Rubber Vagina market is expected to grow annually by 8.8% (CAGR 2023 - 2030). The global Rubber Vagina market size is projected to reach multi million by 2030, in comparison to 2021, at unexpected CAGR during 2023-2030 (Ask for Sample Report). What is Rubber Vagina? The market for Rubber Vaginas has shown consistent growth over time, with an increasing number of individuals seeking alternative forms of physical gratification. Consumers are attracted to these products due to their realistic feel and ability to provide a sexually satisfying experience. The rising popularity of sex dolls and the effectiveness of these products in providing users with a sense of companionship and physical stimulation have contributed to the growth of the Rubber Vagina market. Additionally, advancements in materials technology and design, allowing for more lifelike textures and visual features, have further propelled the market growth. As experts in this field, it is [...]

By |2023-05-17T12:30:46+00:00May 15th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Viagra For Women? 24 Best Products Of 2023

Viagra, the “little blue pill,” is an approved medication for men with erectile dysfunction. This pill helps improve the flow of blood to the penis. While this blue pill isn’t an FDA approved medication for women, there are some women who take it off label and swear by it as a libido booster. Since Viagra for women isn't FDA-approved, we’ve decided to create a list of the 25 best products for women that may have some sexual enhancement benefits similar to Viagra. The following options are the best supplements for improved libido, enhanced sexual desire, and improvement in all areas sexual health related for women:   Elm & Rye Performance Enhancer Supplement Penguin CBD Oil Everest Full Spectrum Gummies Planet Delta Gummies Green Vein By Santai FOCL Premium CBD Gummies Fenugreek Supplement RGN Health Boost Amie Naturals Ember GNC HighT Women Libido Booster Bell Lifestyle Products Erosyn Inno Drive For Her M Factor Goddess Moon Juice Sex Dust Blastone Labs [...]

By |2023-05-17T12:20:03+00:00May 11th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Libido Boost Instantly

Libido boost can be possible with some slight changes in lifestyle. Having a low sex drive can be a horrible way to experience the dating scene, a new relationship, or even navigating the later years in your marriage. Most of the time women are complaining about men who have low libido, but there is a little known fact that often goes under discussed. That is, how to increase female libido! Yes, women experience issues with libido much like me do at all ages. As women get older or stressed out, or experience other life changing events, they find that their sex drive starts to decrease. This diminished sex drive causes issues in the bedroom and often times is met with embarrassment or shame. Recommended Supplements to Increase Female Libido Instantly Elm & Rye Performance Enhancer Supplement Penguin CBD Oil Everest Full Spectrum Gummies Green Vein by Santai FOCL Premium CBD Gummies Fenugreek Supplement RGN Health Boost Amie Naturals Ember Today [...]

By |2023-05-09T20:24:08+00:00May 9th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Online Relationships Can Be Successful

Online relationships are relationships between people who have met online and, in many cases, know each other only via the Internet. These relationships can be romantic, platonic, or even based on business affairs. Many of the dynamics we see in our online relationships can be explained very well by traditional psychological theory. For example, studies show that relationships formed on online dating platforms tend to become sexual much faster than other relationships. This can be exciting with a lot of room for creativity. Online relationships have the potential to get romantic and lustful very fast. However, it's important to note that these relationships can also have downsides. For example, people may misrepresent themselves online or hide important information about themselves. Overall, online relationships can be a great way to meet new people and form connections with others. However, it's important to be cautious and aware of the potential risks involved. It is possible to have a successful virtual relationship. Many [...]

By |2023-05-03T14:59:17+00:00May 3rd, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

Cannabis Can Impact Your Sex Life and Relationship

Cannabis has the potential to boost a person's sex life, small studies suggest. Weed may lower anxiety and sexual shame and make for more satisfying orgasms. Still, using weed could also lead to a partner being more critical in their relationships. Something is loading. Thanks for signing up! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Download the app Weed is everywhere. According to the CDC, an estimated 48.2 million people, about 18% of Americans, used weed at least once in 2019, the most recent year the government agency collected data on the matter. Celebrities like Lady Gaga and Pete Davidson, fitness enthusiasts, and even mothers have recently spoken about how they use cannabis to calm down, find motivation, or relieve pain and nausea. Despite their positive anecdotal reports, some research suggests cannabis could have negative effects like increased anxiety and an increased risk of heart disease. Cannabis use could potentially impact your sex life [...]

By |2023-04-26T04:16:19+00:00April 26th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments
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