Oral Sex Was Nerve-racking to Ask For – How I Learned to Speak Up
Oral sex was always something hard for me to ask for. Having sex is a two (or more) person job, and everyone deserves pleasure. ‘Would you go down on me next time?’ I vividly remember the first time I asked a partner this question. Having never given or received oral sex before, and too afraid to say the words directly to his face, I took my shot while he was in the bathroom. The guy I was dating – who was older and more experienced than me – peeked his head out of the room, looking a bit awkward, and I held my breath, playing through all kinds of scenarios in my head. But his answer was still unexpected: ‘I would love to but I’m not really into hair down there’. Already feeling insecure about my body – I was quite young at the time – I was mortified. I’d never discussed pubic hair with my friends and it wasn’t a topic they talked about in sexual health classes [...]