Kylie Jenner Transforms Into Marilyn Monroe and Proves Diamonds Really Are a Girl’s Best Friend
Kylie Jenner is a material girl living in a material world. On the actual Halloween holiday on Thursday, the 22-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star debuted a new Halloween costume, one of several seen in recent days. Kylie dressed up as late Hollywood sex icon and actress Marilyn Monroe from her performance of "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" from the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes for a V magazine video cover shoot. Madonna famously paid tribute to it in her 1985 music video "Material Girl." For the shoot, the reality star wore a short blonde wig and magenta strapless dress, plus diamond jewelry. She was accompanied by a swarm of male models holding up red paper hearts. "In rocky times, there's a general notion that pop culture and its icons are gratuitous. 'How can you be talking about this while this is happening?' is the pervasive question," the magazine stated. "To a certain extent, that type of discourse [...]