
No Tax Hanky-Panky in EU Porn Site Move

(CN) - A Hungarian company's licensing of its erotic video chat site Livejasmin.com to a company in Portugal - where the tax rate is lower - was not illegal per se, the European Court of Justice said Thursday.     In 2009, Hungary-based WebMindLicenses received the know-how to run the erotic video chat website Livejasmin from a Portuguese company, free of charge. That same day, WebMind agreed to give another Portuguese company, Lalib, the Livejasmin know-how it had just acquired.     Hungarian tax authorities balked at the deal, believing WebMind intended to avoid Hungary's value-added tax by pretending to operate in Portugal where the VAT rate is lower.     Specifically, the tax officials said the transfer of WebMind's know-how was not a genuine economic transaction and that the company was actually still running Livejasmin in Hungarian territory. Hungary ordered WebMind to pay over 21.1 billion Hungarian forints - about $72 million - in back taxes and fines.     WebMind appealed to a Budapest administrative court, which asked the European [...]

By |2016-01-21T04:53:14+00:00January 21st, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

What’s the Most Popular Porn Site on Earth? (And What Does That Say About Our Relationship to Sex?)

A webcam site featuring mostly underpaid women from non-Western countries gets the most views. What does that say about Western sexuality? This whole article is pretty interesting – who would have guessed that porn only accounts for 4% of the internet? – but this part stood out: So what's the most popular porn site on the planet? The single most popular adult site in the world is LiveJasmin.com, a webcam site which gets around 32 million visitors a month, or almost 2.5% of all internet users! You're telling me a webcam site is more popular than PornHub? LiveJasmin is the most popular adult site on the web by a huge margin. Basically, it's interesting that what men prefer the most is watching women strip on a webcam and being able to talk to them while they do, telling the women what they want to see. Once this became available (through high-quality broadband streaming of webcam video) it just shot to the [...]

By |2016-01-18T13:47:39+00:00January 18th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Thai Beauty Pageant where contestants used to be MEN

Thai Beauty Pageant Was Amazing! Miss Tiffany Universe, Thailand, is world's most popular transgender pageant where all entries used to be male   Every year, 100 wear heavy make up, do their hair and don tight-fitting sequin dresses to win the beauty contest  Typical of other pageants, the women all battle it out and shimmy along the stage in swimsuit and ballgown rounds  The winner is is awarded a year's salary in Thailand, a car - and acceptance from wider community, says organiser   By Flora Drury For Mailonline Published: 09:00 EST, 13 January 2016 | Updated: 12:25 EST, 13 January 2016 22 View comments Heavily made up, hair in place, all sequins and dresses - the women lined up on stage are some of the most beautiful you will ever see. Thirty contestants all fighting it out to be named Miss Tiffany Universe - a title which comes with an impressive array [...]

By |2017-12-18T00:39:29+00:00January 15th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

IG Model Sheneka Adams Exposes Cam Newton For Not Using Condoms & Cheating

by: Black Adam Schefter On  Saturday, January 2, 2016 Cam Newton has led his Carolina Panthers team to a 14-1 record so far, just recently had a son, so of course here comes the wh*res out the woodwork to throw a little slander his way. Not sure who or why somebody gave these random chicks a fake job title as “IG Model”, but there it is. Well known ‘IG Model’ and celebrity sex toy, Sheneka Adams did just that when she took to Instagram to expose Cam Newton as a person who hates using condoms and frequently stays in women’s DM’s(Direct Messages). Not just her, it’s a bunch of them trying to expose Cam. Then Sheneka felt compelled to join in: Someone seems salty that Cam got a stripper pregnant and not her. If you want to see more pics of Sheneka Adams: Black Adam Schefter I write about News that people don't like to hear about. Black Adam Schefter [...]

By |2016-01-10T18:35:35+00:00January 10th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Christmas at the Beckhams: Sexy Santa David, kisses under the mistletoe and rare family picture

  They are usual fairly reserved when it comes to sharing details of their family life. But today Victoria and David Beckham are clearly full of festive cheer as they have given fans a real insight into what Christmas is like at their house. And by the looks of it it’s everything we imagined and more – not many people get to see David Beckham as a sexy Santa do they? David makes a very Sexy Santa All the family Victoria shared a picture of her handsome husband sitting by the fire in what appears to be his pajamas – complete with Santa hat. She captioned the image: “Best Santa ever! #kissesfromthebeckhams X vb @davidbeckham @brooklynbeckham X” But it’s not just David who has been dressing up, Brooklyn shared a picture of little sister Harper wearing a Christmas hat while staring out the window. Cruz, Harper, Romeo and Brooklyn Remembering the dead Embracing the family day, former Spice Girl Victoria [...]

By |2015-12-25T17:12:11+00:00December 25th, 2015|Blog|0 Comments

9 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Webcam Girls

An anonymous webcam model did a Reddit AMA where users asked her every question you've ever wished you could ask a webcam girl (and others you probably wouldn't think to ask ever). Here are the most surprising answers. 1. Yes, they work even when they have their periods. This model says she fortunately has "the world's shortest, lightest periods" so she just chooses to do shows that don't require her to remove her underwear while wearing a tampon and then occasionally takes a day off if she feels like it. Makes sense. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 2. No one ever comes up to them on the street and says, "Hey, I saw you naked." While it's totally possible they do recognize her and just don't run up to her for autographs, she says she's never been recognized on the street. She says that if she ever was, she'd just "ask then [sic] how hard they came and if i'll be seeing them as [...]

By |2015-12-24T03:28:37+00:00December 24th, 2015|Blog|0 Comments

Accused pimp describes ways women get lured into human sex trafficking

The day Matthew Deiaco first pimped out a woman is the day he “grew up and turned into a man.” “That’s when I learned women. Like, you know, learned how they work, learned what they want, everything, from doing boy things to a grown-up man.” The 29-year-old career criminal is sitting behind bars dressed in an orange jumpsuit. His fingernails are long, his gaze steady. He has “pimpin” tattooed across his knuckles, two tear drops on his cheek and “f--- all bitches” on his chest. He doesn’t flinch when he describes how in the past he “backhanded” a sex worker for “causing too much drama” or how pimps prey on young girls who just “need that daddy figure.” Deiaco is facing 19 charges, including human trafficking, assault causing bodily harm, unlawful confinement and kidnapping. He awaits trial. In a jailhouse interview at the Toronto East Detention Centre, Deiaco told the Star he could not talk about his case that is [...]

By |2015-12-19T06:59:12+00:00December 19th, 2015|Blog|0 Comments

50 Cent makes creepy oral sex claim: ‘A girl isn’t a woman until she enjoys pleasing men’

GETTY CREEPY: 50 defined the difference, in his opinion, between girls and women. The rapper was on the podcast Lip Service with Angela Yee discussing a variety of NSFW sex topics when he made the comments. When the conversation between Fiddy and the four female hosts turned to oral sex, the 40-year-old said he doesn't consider a female a grown woman until she loves "pleasing men". The 40-year-old said: "I feel like within oral sex, as far as woman are concerned, you can see the threshold of girl vs woman. "A girl at points thinks oral sex is icky. When she becomes a woman, it becomes giving head. GETTY NSFW: The rapper dished his sexual secrets on the podcast “That girl is not a woman until she finds pleasure in pleasing a man” 50 Cent "That girl is not a woman until she finds pleasure in pleasing a man… I don't consider a girl a woman until she finds pleasure [...]

By |2015-12-15T18:38:57+00:00December 15th, 2015|Blog|0 Comments

Alexandria ‘Alexa’ Morra: Web Cam Model Pleads Not Guilty To Filming Adult Videos In Public Library

Alexandria “Alexa” Morra pled not guilty to filming adult videos inside a public library, among other locations. The 21-year-old woman, as previously identified on the Inquisitr, hails from Windsor, Canada. She was accused of committing an indecent act, according to lawyer Patrick Ducharme. Alexandria originally hired Tyler Jones as her lawyer, but changed over to Ducharme during the weekend of March 10. Ducharme told CBC News that he expects Morra’s case to go on trial. Morra has been charged with one count of committing an indecent act in a public place, according to the news site. This charge follows on the heels of a CBC investigation that discovered that Morra filmed over a dozen of sexually explicit performances that were taken at two Windsor Public Library locations, including other public locations such as several Tim Hortons’ coffee shops. Section 173 of the Criminal Code of Canada explains that an indecent act applies to “everyone who willfully does an indecent act [...]

By |2015-12-14T03:03:07+00:00December 14th, 2015|Blog|0 Comments

Graphic staged sex in new Chicago show

  There is more explicit staged sex in director Ethan McSweeny's American Theater Company production of Thomas Bradshaw's "Fulfillment" than any show you're likely to have seen. Unless, that is, you frequent locations outside the usual purview of this publication or seek out voyeur-oriented entertainment of a less serious nature than the latest in Bradshaw's highly provocative series of dramas about the perils of intimacy; the complexity of being an African-American in the allegedly modern, allegedly enlightened world; and the ubiquity of self-loathing, loneliness and desperation among affluent, amply educated urban professionals. Given the intimacy of this particular Chicago theater, and the very striking set by Brian Sidney Bembridge that uses a wide, shallow performance space in front of audience members seated in a small number of very long rows, the shock value of the plethora of naked, carefully angled genitalia on display only is increased by their proximity to the paying customer. In a couple of memorable sequences — [...]

By |2015-11-19T04:00:46+00:00November 19th, 2015|Blog|0 Comments
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