Portraits of Sex Cam Girls, Captured Through Skype (NSFW)
Kate Peters’ Cam Girls is a startling and unusual portrait series. Her pixelated images are photographs of a computer screen, and the women on them make their living offering online sexual performances. She collaborates with these women to make art at a distance, offering a contemporary picture of a long-taboo subject. The term “cam girl” can mean many things. Broadly speaking, it refers to a woman who earns money performing online. Such performances usually, but not always, are sexual in nature. From stripping to balloon-popping, there is a niche for every fetish. Though there is an infinite number of porn sites that provide such entertainment, Peters chose to focus on women who worked for themselves from the comfort of their homes. “I only wanted to collaborate with independent women, rather than those that go through one of the many studio sites,” she says. Peters won the women’s trust through ongoing email conversations, convincing them that she was interested in art, not exploitation. [...]