My Boyfriend Almost Had a Threesome
Hello, I recently discovered that, while we were on a break, my boyfriend had conversations with a gay man who offered him a threesome with him and some hot chick. I also know my boyfriend is into pre-op trans women but has never slept with one. So he says, at least. I don’t know what to do with this information and I’m overwhelmed with anxiety thinking he might be gay. The threesome didn’t go through, but the thought that he was about to hurts me so much. Please tell me what you think and what you would do. I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I’m honestly afraid he might cheat with other men because, well, I don’t have a penis. Thank you so much. — Boyfriend Intrigued by Gays, Unclear Yeah Dear BIGUY, First, take a really deep breath. It’s OK to feel confused and anxious about a situation you’ve never [...]