I’ve Tried Every Dating Strategy & I’m Still Single
Q: How do you trust your approach to a dating strategy when you don't love the results? I'm 27 and feel like I'm finally hitting my stride with dating in a big city. It's easy meeting new people and I actually enjoy the shared awkwardness of a first date. Plus, I have a great circle of friends whom I can turn to for support and share a laugh with about the tough moments. But lately, it feels like an endless string of sending or receiving some version of that timeless text: "It's been great getting to know you, but I'm just not feeling a romantic connection." Sometimes, it ends after three dates or three months, but it always ends. I'm sure at this point you're ready to cue up the world's smallest violin. I've read stories in this column from folks who are facing bigger challenges and WAY more difficult circumstances and doing it with a courage and strength that [...]