Feeling sexually attractive leads to hot sex and sexy women enjoy it more than men, study finds
You don’t have to be hot to get more action in bed. A new study found that people who find themselves sexy had the most active sex lives — and more partners in the sack. Backing what most people already know, a questionnaire analyzed by two Australian researchers found that the self-confident people enjoy the deed more often than those who don’t identify as sexually attractive. PORN STARS OF THE 1970S AND THE 1980S: WHERE ARE THEY NOW “Feeling sexually attractive is associated with an individual feeling more confident as a sexual partner, more satisfied with their sexual experiences, as well as experiencing a greater frequency of sexual activity,” the study said. Published this month in the International Journal of Psychology, the study asked 3,000 people a series of questions — on sexual attractiveness, esteem, satisfaction, activity and partners — to determine the effect of sexual perception on sex. It found that it’s not important to be hot, but rather [...]