Semen in The Fridge Made Me Vomit
It’s 7 am and I’m half asleep as I totter to the fridge and open it to make breakfast. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright light and focus. I blink a few times and think, what in the hell is that? There, proudly displayed front and center so that it’s the first thing I see is my husband’s semen sample. How kind of him. Instead of putting it discreetly in the top door compartment out of sight, he’s put it right in view, next to my favorite Jalna Greek natural yogurt. “Visions of the blob haunt me” I take out my yogurt and put a dollop on my muesli, trying not to think about what I’ve just seen. I’m a mother of three for heaven’s sake. I’ve changed diarrhea explosions and navigated my way through my fair share of ickiness after all. A woman vomited after eating her yogurt due to her husband’s semen being placed [...]